Usually, when you decide it’s time to have a puppy, thought, effort, and loads of research go hand in hand with finding the right breed for you and your family. Once you’ve chosen a particular breed, you then spend time meeting puppies and dogs, taking each one for a mini-test drive before deciding on a new friend.
There’s no reason to spend that much energy on picking your pup’s name, but a little extra effort goes a long way toward discovering a great name.
Put simply, you may end up using your dog’s name over 35,000 times in the course of its life. Shouldn’t it be a moniker you love?
When making a short-list of dog names, here are some important naming tips to consider:
Puppy Naming Tips
Keep it simple. Dogs grasp brief orders, so short and sweet says it best. Names with just a couple of syllables work well.
Don’t confuse the issue. Your puppy’s name shouldn’t sound similar to any commands. “Fetch, Fletch!” and “Stay, Ray” will only befuddle your pup.
Publicity hound. Since you’ll be calling your dog’s name in public, loudly and frequently, make sure it’s not a name you’ll be mortified to yell. “Butthead” may be funny in the privacy of your frat house, but it won’t sound great at the dog park.
Consider the kids. You’re right; “Fluffy” doesn’t illustrate the noble nature of your Champion Irish Wolfhound, but kids appreciate simplicity, too. Register the fancy schmancy name with the AKC.
Don’t name the pooch after a family member. Naming your baby after Uncle Norbert will keep you in the will, but naming your pup after him may not. Ask first before bestowing such an “honor” on a friend or relative.
Old dog, new home?
Try and keep the name your adopted dog already owns. If you must change it, stick with similar sounds. “Barney” becomes a terrific “Farley” with ease.
Try it out. When you find a name you like, give it a test run for a day or two. If it feels natural, it’s a keeper! Otherwise, move on to the next name on your list.
Don’t forget to give your dog lots of LOVE when you use her name and she responds! Treats, hugs, and positive reinforcement will help your puppy bond with her new name quickly.