- Avgust
- Avdej
- Averkij
- Aver’yan
- Avksentij
- Avtonom
- Agap
- Agafon
- Aggej
- Adam
- Adrian i Andriyan
- Azarij
- Akim
- Aleksandr
- Aleksej
- Amvrosij
- Amos
- Ananij
- Anatolij
- Andrej
- Andron
- Andronik
- Anikej
- Anikita
- Anisim i Onisim
- Antip
- Antonin
- Apollinarij
- Apollon
- Arefij
- Aristarh
- Arkadij
- Arsenij
- Artemij
- Artem
- Arhip
- Askol’d
- Afanasij
- Afinogen
- Bazhen
- Bogdan
- Boleslav
- Boris
- Borislav
- Boyan
- Bronislav
- Budimir
- Vadim
- Valentin
- Valerij
- Valer’yan
- Varlaam
- Varfolomej
- Vasilij
- Vaclav
- Velimir
- Venedikt
- Veniamin
- Vikentij
- Viktor
- Viktorin
- Vissarion
- Vitalij
- Vladilen
- Vladlen
- Vladimir
- Vladislav
- Vlas
- Vsevolod
- Vsemil
- Vseslav
- Vysheslav
- Vyacheslav
- Gavrila i Gavriil
- Galaktion
- Gedeon
- Gennadij
- Georgij
- Gerasim
- German
- Gleb
- Gordej
- Gostomysl
- Gremislav
- Grigorij
- Gurij
- Davyd i David
- Danila i Daniil
- Dementij
- Demid
- Dem’yan
- Denis
- Dmitrij
- Dobromysl
- Dobroslav
- Dorofej
- Evgenij
- Evgraf
- Evdokim
- Evlampij
- Evsej
- Evstafij
- Evstignej
- Egor
- Elizar
- Elisej
- Emel’yan
- Epifan
- Eremej
- Ermil
- Ermolaj
- Erofej
- Efim
- Efrem
- Zahar
- Zinovij
- Zosima
- Ivan
- Ignatij
- Igor’
- Izmail
- Izot
- Izyaslav
- Ilarion
- Il’ya
- Innokentij
- Iosif (Osip)
- Ipat
- Ipatij
- Ippolit
- Iraklij
- Isaj
- Isidor
- Kazimir
- Kallistrat
- Kapiton
- Karl
- Karp
- Kas’yan
- Kim
- Kir
- Kirill
- Klavdij
- Kliment (Klementij i Klim)
- Kondrat
- Kondratij
- Konon
- Konstantin
- Kornil (Kornej i Kornilij)
- Kuz’ma
- Kupriyan
- Lavr
- Lavrentij
- Ladimir
- Ladislav
- Lazar’
- Lev
- Leon
- Leonid
- Leontij
- Longin
- Luka
- Luk’yan
- Luchezar
- Lyubim
- Lyubomir
- Lyubosmysl
- Makar
- Maksim
- Maksimil’yan
- Marian
- Mark
- Martyn
- Mart’yan
- Matvej
- Mefodij
- Mechislav
- Milan
- Milen
- Milij
- Milovan
- Mina
- Mir
- Miron
- Miroslav
- Mitofan
- Mihail
- Mihej
- Modest
- Moisej
- Mokej
- Mstislav
- Nazar
- Narkis
- Natan
- Naum
- Nestor
- Nikandr
- Nikanor
- Nikita
- Nikifor
- Nikodim
- Nikolaj
- Nikon
- Nifont
- Oleg
- Olimpij
- Onufrij
- Orest
- Osip (Iosif)
- Ostap
- Ostromir
- Pavel
- Pankratij
- Pankrat
- Pantelejmon
- Panfil
- Paramon
- Parfen
- Pahom
- Petr
- Pimen
- Platon
- Polikarp
- Porfirij
- Potap
- Prov
- Prokl
- Prokofij
- Prohor
- Radim
- Radislav
- Radovan
- Ratibor
- Ratmir
- Rodion
- Roman
- Rostislav
- Ruben
- Ruslan
- Ryurik
- Savva
- Savvatij
- Savelij
- Samson
- Samuil
- Svetozar
- Svyatopolk
- Svyatoslav
- Sevast’yan
- Selivan
- Seliverst
- Semen
- Serafim
- Sergej
- Sigizmund
- Sidor
- Sila
- Silantij
- Sil’vestr
- Simon
- Sokrat
- Solomon
- Sofon
- Sofron
- Spartak
- Spiridon
- Stanimir
- Stanislav
- Stepan
- Stoyan
- Taras
- Tverdislav
- Tvorimir
- Terentij
- Timofej
- Timur
- Tit
- Tihon
- Trifon
- Trofim
- Ul’yan
- Ustin
- Fadej
- Fedor
- Fedosij
- Fedot
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- Feoktist
- Feofan
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- Filimon
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- Firs
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- Foka
- Foma
- Fortunat
- Fotij
- Frol
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- Harlampij
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- CHeslav
- Eduard
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- Emil’
- Erast
- Ernest
- Ernst
- YUvenalij
- YUlian
- YUlij
- YUrij
- YAkov
- YAn
- YAkub
- YAnuarij
- YAropolk
- YAroslav
Russian boys names with meanings
ALEXANDER. The defender of the people (Greek). Usually resolute. Smart and witty. Subtly feel. Sociable, but needs to be leniency, because often quick-tempered, daring, acting abruptly, without a smooth transition. The one who comes to him with a sword dies. In love – gambling.
ALEXEY. Assistant (Greek). In most cases, they are focused, serious, and righteous. They are persuasive in defending their views. They are persistent in achieving their goals. However, sometimes they are meek. Useful to people. They are respectful to their parents. In intimate life, you are not always lucky.
ANATOLIY. Ascending (Greek). As a rule, it has an inquisitive, insatiable mind. Sophisticated and inventive. A soothsayer, capable of accurate predictions,but he can not always achieve the goal. Temperament choleric, unbalanced, spontaneous. Sometimes-naughty, not resistant to wine. Passion for a woman, but already at a “decent” age fades. If it dies, it does… not from modesty.
ANDREY. Manly, brave (Greek). Persistent. Intelligent, resourceful, with an unstable character. In society, they tend to dominate, often losing their sense of proportion when choosing means. How confident men are, and yet… the rest they can only dream of.
ANTON. From Antony, contending (Latin). Their life is a cascade of failures, compromises, and UPS. Unbalanced natures. Struggling with themselves. Always striving for freedom, forgetting that the price for it is loneliness. Looking for friendship. For the Antonovs, love is torture.
ARCADII. From Arkady-happy country (Greek). Sociable, friendly, kind. Even with everyone. Surrounded by friends, pals, and female friends. I’m a sucker for compliments. Outwardly – “dear friend”, but inside yourself-responsive, human. His fate can be envied.
BORIS. Struggling (Slavyansk). Usually purposeful. Optimistic. Curious, imaginative thinking. Sometimes quick-tempered, unpredictable. Fate, happens to be experiencing them. In the end, they gravitate to the home, to the family, small children are always a joy to them.
VADIM. Proving (other-Russian). Usually mysterious, secretive and emotional. Freedom-loving. Fatalistic, sophisticated. Looks at “on the move forward”. Quick to make decisions. Immodest in desires. Heartbreaking.
VALENTIN. Strong (Latin). Stand-up, uncompromising. Tends to be “leading the way”. Ubiquitous, mobile. Self-willed, sometimes even paradoxical in behavior. Sometimes flighty, but tolerable. With women, it happens, “bad luck”, although in England… Valentine’s day-Valentine’s Day.
VALERY. Be alert, healthy (Latin). Alive, passionate, sincere. A brave officer by nature. Acts on the principle of “live once”, while never leaving his courage. From philosophical reasoning gets tired. Nutty. Not always logical. With women, he is arrogant, and suffers for it.
VASILIY. Royal (Greek). Strong, domineering. They know their own value. Usually stubborn. Cheerful. They strive for perfection, for superiority, for glory. Hardworking. They are selfish with women, but they “torment” them a lot.
VICTOR. Winner (Latin). Active. With a halo of glory. Able to become focused at the right time. Hard, however, can suddenly relax and “mess up”. Eloquent and therefore unsafe for the fair sex.
VITALY. Vital (Latin). Balanced physically and spiritually. Quickly, quickly acquire experience, Confident. They work according to the mood, with a flourish. Decoration of the company. Hidden jealousies. They are in no hurry to settle down.
VLADIMIR. Own the world (Slavs). Mind marked. By teaching, they learn by themselves. By nature closed, although outwardly open, in society usually reach considerable heights. In friendship, they are constant, but easily vulnerable. Women are idealized, and suffering is accepted from them.
SLAVA. Bolshaya Slava (other-Russian). In childhood, inquisitive-naive. With age, it becomes not so clear, clear, especially in business. Committed to the idea. I’m ready to put my head down for the assigned task. People’s gossip rewards him. Usually alone, capable of tenderness: and loves, and suffers.
GENNADI. Noble origin (Greek). With a difficult, elusive temperament, often with an unpredictable reaction to external influences. Individualistic, self-absorbed, a law unto itself. Enterprising, dynamic. Delicate, rejects the rudeness. With lovers in difficult relationships.
GEORGY. Ploughman (Greek). The helper. Loving, generous and generous. Usually with a clear head. Capable of the impulse. If he wants to, he can achieve a lot. Often work is the only light in the window, he is not sociable with women.
GLEB. Put under protection (Scandinavian). Virtuous. Seeking peace of mind. Abstinent. They are sane. Assisting. Concern constantly haunts them. For such women secretly sigh. Family men, “the lovers-Orthodox”.
GRIGORY. Awake (Greek). Usually whole natures: either everything or nothing. Freedom-loving. Stubborn. Temperamental. Sometimes violent. Resisting fate. Loving, but affectionate. They are scolded, but loved.
DANIEL. From Daniel, God is my judge (Dr. – Heb). Pioneer. Slow in thought, but determined. Works binge-practical acumen fused with improvisation. The house is a full bowl, there are many good things around, made by the ancestors. His family pride of the Creator rejects arrogance. Self-respecting and respected.
DMITRIY. Fruit of the earth (Greek). They are strong, flexible, and quick to make decisions. Talented. Practical. They are thorough and respect the word “necessary”. In love-always real men.
EVGENIY. Noble (Greek). As a rule, independent and strong-willed. Maximalist. Inclined to order life. Too demanding of himself and others. Able to achieve a lot in society. Active. Persistent in everything. They curse them, but they can’t leave them. With his mother, he is soft, affectionate, tender.
EGOR. Patron of agriculture (other-Russian). Most of them are people with deep emotions. Businesslike, practical, obsessive. Reliable owners, do not stop there, sometimes overreact, but common sense helps. They stand on the fact that they protect their neighbor. Loyal to a once-chosen woman.
EFIM. From Efimov, blagoslovenny (Greek). Internally stable. Diligent. A man of his word, persistent in solving pre-set tasks. Fits well into the environment. But in public Affairs there is not enough ambition – not very “meat-eater”. And in matters of love is not very successful.
ZAHAR. From Zacharias, the memory of the Lord (Dr. – Heb). They usually live with a predetermined fate. Modest and kind people. Responsive. They are disposed to comradeship, to a feast. Patient at work. Those who promote the cause. Family men, but they’re too protective of their wives.
IVAN. From John, the grace of God (other-Heb). Kind. Unselfish. Hard-working, but heavy on the rise. A difficult life is a common fate: a bumpy one. Hardy, life-affirming. Keeper of customs. Calm, “my boyfriend”. With a sly smile.
IGOR. Protect the name of God (other-Russian). Versatile, impetuous, but does not allow himself to be carried away. In constant pursuit of the goal, however, it may go too far. Power manifests sequentially, to the glory of cool, but touchy. A gentle man of many people, but passion does not obscure his eyes.
ILYA. From Elijah, the fortress of the Lord (other-Heb). In-depth in nature. And at the same time capable of empathy. Clear-sighted in their assessments. They are ironic, artistic and multi-faceted, and good at camaraderie. Love stimulates their creativity.
KIRILL. Master (Greek). Confident, able to present themselves. Very different: sociable, but in their own circle; pretentious, but gifted; efficient, but sometimes lazy. Fall for spectacular beauty.
CONSTANTINE. Permanent (Latin). Independent and smart. Very open. They contribute to everything and everything that makes them “get into stories”. They work with pleasure. They are attentive to their relatives. The wife is pampered.
LION. Lion (Greek). Self-sufficient, learned, far-sighted. Fast, determined. Honest. Conscientious. With organizational skills. As a rule, there is not enough self-confidence in relation to a woman.
LEONID. Like a lion (Greek). Usually generous nature. With a solid inner core. Accessible, unassuming. They are intelligent, quick-witted. Loving, “gourmet lovers”. With children, they are attentive and affectionate, but their family, alas, is not always durable.
MAKSIM. Great (Latin). Mature, with a variety of abilities. They know their capabilities well. If they are focused, they are very successful in society. Early manhood. Lifeline-ascent. They have a weakness for the weaker sex.
MATVEY. From Matthew, granted from the Lord (Dr. – Heb). Omnipotent and omnipresent. They cause a lot of trouble, but they are interesting with ideas and fantasies. They rely on intuition, or even on chance. If they work , they reach the highest heights. They are not arrogant, they avoid vanity, although they are extremely self-confident. They are very amorous, but they do not cheat on their wife.
MICHAEL. Who is like God (Dr. – Heb). Most of them are charming, not stupid. Multiplane. Instinctive, intuitive. In many ways, they deny themselves in order to achieve their goals. They are alone in the team. In public, they are happy, but in the soul they suffer. Many are good husbands and fathers.
NIKITA. Victorious (Greek). Gifted, first among equals. With a tenacious memory. Practical, but impatient. Usually with the highest performance. They are easily accessible and follow the truth. There are difficulties and failures with the family.
NIKOLAY. Victory of people (Greek). Internally stable natures. “Psychologists”. Conservative in their beliefs. Smart, capable of extraordinary decisions. They count on their strength. They can be trusted with your concerns. Silent, comfortable in everyday life.
OLEG. Light (Scandinavian). Contradictory, but restrained. Intelligent. Predisposed to diversity. Always doubting. However, they themselves are stubborn in their opinions. Sociable. All sorts of excessive Hobbies interfere with your career.
PAVEL. Small (Latin). With a difficult character, but usually easy to communicate. They are inventive in their work, but they are rarely satisfied with it. Above all, they value truth, beauty, goodness and usefulness. Jealous, but forgiving.
PETER. Stone (Greek). Wise. Convinced. They grow up early. Independent. Truthful. They are overly active: often power is their passion. They strive to achieve perfection. Hard to survive the collapse of illusions.
PLATON. Broad-shouldered (Greek). People’s thinker, wandering thoughts. Independent personality: “leading” and never “led”, has a great influence on people. Informal leader, teacher, communication with him-doping kindness: if not help, then comfort. At the same time-the rise and fall.
PROCHORUS. Leading the singing (Greek). Demanding, going straight to the goal, can achieve success, influence. Doesn’t notice little things, does everything big. However, he is fond of it. Always devoted to something. With a broken line of life. A slave of passions in youth-I am sure that “wine is given to us for joy”, with age-a good old man.
NOVEL. The Roman (Latin). Reliable. Acquiring an ideal, they persistently go to it, and in this they are ultimatum. Convinced. Surprising. Circumstances have little influence on them, even to the point that they are their own among strangers. They like to eat sweet and drink well. For women – in price.
RUSLAN. Lion (Turki). “Firmament”: fair, but quick to make categorical decisions. They are directed forward. By nature, they are conflicted, explosive, although they do not show their predilections. Valid. They are respectful to their elders.
SAVVA. The elder (Aramaic). Wine (Dr. – Heb). Ryazan man with a southern temperament. To drink is not a fool but is beautiful. Talented, scattered, going backwards. A broad-minded and imaginative sage. Everything takes to heart. It treats people without bias. There is no regret for lost time.
SERGEI. Tall, venerable, and a Goblin. Restless, but quiet. Attached to friends. Very attentive, sympathetic to other people’s concerns. They are painfully searching for an answer to the eternal question: why do we live? As a rule, ideal husbands and fathers.
STANISLAUS. Become nice (Polish). Usually unbalanced. Nerves are a taut string. Irritable, but compliant. Responsive, of such a nature gives rise to life’s challenges. Bad luck, mistakes haunt them. In their youth, they are amorous, but no further than flirting. Their weakness is beautiful women.
STEPAN. From Stephen, crown, crown (Greek). Strong-willed and inspiring. Thinking. Original, hardy, trusting-wasteful on inventions, does not stay long at one job and does not burden himself with things. Uncle-godfather-teacher. Can drown in love.
TIMOFEY. Worshipping God (Greek). Fair, truth-loving. Modest, thoughtful, thorough. A craftsman with imagination and artistic taste. Perhaps circumstances are stronger than Timothy, and he has to do what he doesn’t want to do. Women are gentle, the wife nurtures, cares.
TIKHON. Lucky (Greek). Quiet, lives not in lies, without self-praise. Peaceful – always tries to avoid a sharp corner, but not out of timidity. Thoughtful, doubtful. Respectful of other people’s opinions. Appreciate the tranquility; in family life, follower of rules “Domostroi”.
FYODOR. From Theodore, God’s gift (Greek). They are rarely satisfied with life circumstances. Experiences keep in themselves. Philosophic. Usually with the character “not a gift”: themselves, it happens, are outraged. In the company are noticeable, in the family – childish pleasers.
YURI. The Creator (Slavs). He only counts on his own strength. Can drive themselves and others. Usually earns well, but will not become a billionaire. Vulnerable, worried: he is always in danger of some kind – from mother nature, then from people. Loves the earth, the peasant’s love.
JACOB. from Jacob, the stammerer, follows someone, (Dr, – Heb). Fate tries to give him a surprise, often not the best. Smart, with a little guile. From its social ladder every now and then fall, steps. Farsighted, anticipating events. The Yakovs are supposedly indifferent to the female sex.
JAROSLAV. Bright glory (of the Slavs). Vividly individual, talented, ambitious. He knows himself all his life. Passionate, enthusiastic. Yaroslav is the Jung of romance and risk. Plays with fire, arouses interest. She can barely contain her pride. Likes either the first, or the last, or one…