- Avgusta
- Agata
- Agaf’ya
- Aglaya
- Agnessa
- Agniya
- Agrafena
- Agrippina
- Ada
- Adelaida
- Aza
- Alevtina
- Aleksandra
- Alina
- Alisa
- Alla
- Al’bina
- Anastasiya
- Angelina
- Anis’ya
- Anna
- Antonida
- Antonina
- Anfisa
- Apollinariya
- Ariadna
- Beatrisa
- Berta
- Borislava
- Bronislava
- Valentina
- Valeriya
- Vanda
- Varvara
- Vasilisa
- Vassa
- Vera
- Veronika
- Viktorina
- Viktoriya
- Virginiya
- Vlada
- Vladilena
- Vladlena
- Vladislava
- Vlasta
- Vseslava
- Galina
- Galya
- Ganna
- Genrietta
- Glafira
- Gorislava
- Dar’ya
- Diana
- Dina
- Dominika
- Domna
- Eva
- Evgeinya
- Evdokiya
- Evlampiya
- Ekaterina
- Elena
- Elizaveta
- Efrosin’ya (Efrosiniya)
- ZHanna
- Zinaida
- Zlata
- Zoya
- Izabella
- Izol’da
- Inga
- Inessa
- Inna
- Iraida
- Irina
- Iya
- Kazimira
- Kaleriya
- Kapitolina
- Karolina
- Kira
- Klavdiya
- Klara
- Klarissa
- Klementina
- Kleopatra
- Konkordiya
- Kseniya
- Lada
- Larisa
- Leokadiya
- Liana
- Lidiya
- Liliana
- Kleopatra
- Konkordiya
- Kseniya
- Lada
- Larisa
- Leokadiya
- Liana
- Lidiya
- Liliana
- Liliya
- Liya
- Luiza
- Luker’ya
- Lyubava
- Lyubov’
- Lyubomila
- Lyubomira
- Lyudmila
- Majya
- Mal’vina
- Margarita
- Marianna
- Marietta
- Marina
- Mariya
- Marta
- Marfa
- Melan’ya
- Melitrisa
- Milana
- Milena
- Milica
- Mira
- Miroslava
- Mlada
- Mstislava
- Muza
- Nadezhda
- Natal’ya
- Nataliya
- Neonila
- Nika
- Nina
- Ninel’
- Nona
- Oksana
- Oktyabrina
- Olimpiada
- Ol’ga
- Pelageya
- Poliksena
- Polina
- Praskov’ya
- Pul’heriya
- Rada
- Raisa
- Regina
- Renata
- Rimma
- Rogneda
- Roza
- Rozaliya
- Rozina
- Rostislava
- Rufina
- Svetlana
- Serafima
- Sil’va
- Sil’viya
- Salomeya
- Sof’ya
- Stanislava
- Stela
- Stepanida
- Susanna
- Taisiya
- Tamara
- Tat’yana
- Ul’yana
- Faina
- Fedos’ya
- Felicata
- Flora
- Florentina
- Fatina
- Haritina
- Hristina
- Evelina
- Eleonora
- El’vira
- Emiliya
- Emma
- YUliya
- YAdviga
- YAroslava
Russian girls names with meanings
ALEXANDRA. Help, reliable (Greek). Glib. Restless and indefatigable. Always there. Usually the character is similar to a man’s. Life path: “Tomboy” – “business woman”. In society and in the family is so active that for gentleness-alas-not always bugs forces.
ALLA. Other (gotsk). Bright, “invincible”. Not like everyone else. Energetic. Soaring, inspiring-rally. Catchy, beautiful, and doesn’t spare men. Marriage, however, often doesn’t work out. Her passion is taking care of her mother.
ANASTASIA. Resurrected (Greek). Usually the nature of complex, contradictory. Proud, strict and persistent. Sly and attractive. Changeable and elusive. Years go by: yesterday’s “ugly duckling” becomes and remains a seductive woman.
ANNA. Merciful (other-Heb). Annushki-sudarushki, truth-proof, internally uncompromising. Restrained and passionate, “breakdowns” are rare. They are conscientious and thorough in their work. With popular devotion, to the point of self-forgetfulness. Kind and affectionate to little ones.
ANTONINA. Long (Latin). Responsive. Trustful. They know how to support with words and deeds, money. They like to cry, relieve their soul, but they tactfully keep their worries to themselves. Well built, with soft lines, lyrical, but suddenly out of the blue can get carried away and lead away.
ANFISA. Blooming (Greek). Independent, expressive. Freedom-loving, even self-willed. From a young age, he copes with his difficult character with difficulty. Aspires to become the “head of the family”. Does not forgive treason.
VALENTINE. Strong (Latin). Wet nurse. Frank. Direct. Right. Affable. Not as pretty as she’s pretty as hell. Sensual. Dreams of eternal love. In public life-all the time in search of new things.
VARVARA. Cruel (Latin). “Barbarian”, going to justice, to good, to light-although of those who gently lay down, but hard to sleep. Immediately drew attention to themselves, stately. It is sustained, but it is difficult to maintain emotional balance. She is quarrelsome and often disagrees with the majority. The intended chooses meticulously. Long-lived.
VASILISA. Royal (Greek). Idol. Difficult to comprehend, inflexible, guiding. Bearing the fate, giving generously. It is good to cooperate with her, but it is difficult to compete: she does not want to be second. She may be offended when they don’t follow her advice. Not stable in behavior. Her actions are often not clear to others. Circumstances favor it, but it should not be abused.
FAITH. Vera (al. – Russian). Smart, supportive, warm. Diligent, appreciate the order. Truthful, helpful. They are drawn to the sublime. Sometimes-losers. And yet: “unintentional joy” is a frequent guest of hers.
VICTORIA. Winner (Latin). Temperamental. Usually stubborn. In working with laziness, but has an outstanding taste. Athletic, with the posture of a champion, photogenic. Likes to be the center of attention. Allows himself the extravagance. For men, it is dangerous: it always gives the impression that she is attracted to another…
GALINA. Clarity (Greek). Open. Usually aimed at a higher goal. Collected, but they can quickly relax. Sometimes – “self-willed pannochki”. Very elegant, always in plain sight – can attract into the pool. The houses are affectionate, cozy, calm, but demanding.
GLAFIRA. Smooth (Greek). “Peahen”. Fine. Skilled. Mentally uninhibited. Curious, insatiable. Well-bred and well-mannered. Carefully presents itself, suffers from the “cry of fashion”. Smart prefers the beautiful. Unfortunately, I’m not always picky about Dating. Condescending to rivals. Likes to cook, can make you happy.
DARIA. The great fire (of Persia). With a choleric temperament, with strong quickly emerging feelings, but not rash. In work, creativity can come a long way. Arouse interest. Artistic. Burning, burn in their “flame” – a pleasure. And yet stay-at-home women are sometimes slow-witted.
EUGENIA. Noble (Greek). As a rule, they firmly believe that they know everything well and with good reason: they rely on common sense. In any situation – like a fish in water. Prominent, representative. Demanding, like to restore justice. Their own in their circle, a close person will never be denied support. All your life young and hot.
EKATERINA. Hope is true, eternally pure (Greek). “People’s noblewoman”. Her natural determination comes from talent, intelligent thrift, and lavish generosity. At the same time, Katya is a woman of good mood: both native and earthly.
ELENA. Solar (Greek). Exciting, inspiring. Attractive, fascinating. Fabulous, the joy of creating. With a lot of inner charm. With a personal view of the world. Many people will do anything for it. Baby diapers and dishes are not in the foreground.
ELIZAVETA. Worshipping God (other-Heb). Faithful. Indulgent. About tastes does not argue. Subject to stress, although it holds up well. Relies on intuition and is often deceived. Delicate and feminine, sentimental. Loves love in love.
ZINAIDA. Divine (Greek). Original, self-assertive, with a constant desire for superiority: what is called, with character. In the company – “Empress”. With an outstanding and refined taste. The mind is intoxicated: the rumor is that most men have suffered from Zinaida.
ZOYA. Life (Greek). There are no monotonous Zoys. In character, an amazing combination of extremes: hardness and softness, coldness and tenderness. They are different: one-likes to be courted, the other-makes a date herself, and some even prefer the movies. Zoe is always paid attention to, her mesmerizing gaze will stop.
INNA. Stormy stream (Greek). Intellectual. Townswoman. Easily vulnerable. It’s not easy for parents. A Martyr from character, from its internal disharmony comes to tears. Capable of unexpected actions. Wasteful on the impressive a good cause. Wherever Inna lives, there is always something of the aroma of St. Petersburg in her.
IRINA. Mir (Greek). Almost always selflessly loving caring mother, loyal wife. Patient to the point of sacrifice. Given to her from above, the thirst for peace can not be satisfied. In everyday life-something like Figaro. Never, even with age, does not lose its attractiveness.
KIRA. Mistress (Greek). Usually closed nature. Aristocrat: knows her own worth. Proud and determined, sometimes vain, even to the point of pride. At whatever age it was – “Lord-child”: sometimes and suddenly the feminine principle takes over the mind. As a rule, with the figure of a flight attendant, clear-eyed, such men are afraid – they prefer to admire from afar.
CLAUDIUS. From Claudius, the lame (Latin. Most of them are hardworking, patient ascetics. All loved ones are always under their affectionate, caring wing. Claudia believes: “Family is Life.”
KSENIA. Wanderer (Greek). Attractive. Sociable. Embarrassing. Usually with an unstable temperament, restless. Nevertheless, they are conscientious and can do any job. Generous to people. In their personal life, they are usually demanding and jealous.
LARISSA. The Seagull (Greek). Freedom-loving. Expressive, attractive. “Sweet woman.” They write poetry like that. Highly impressionable. Demanding, scrupulous to create problems for others and herself. Life would be bland without them.
LYDIA. From Lydia-region in Asia Minor (Greek). The nature of complex, secretive. Has a masculine mindset. Bold and firm in spirit. Independent, truthful. Very unusual in creative self-expression. They can cast a spell and become an ever-loving wife. Carelessness with it is risky.
LOVE. Love (other-Russian). Lubasha. Expressive look: the top of the triad Faith-Hope-Love. A little frivolous, vulnerable, she needs to be petted. Docile, compliant, without reproach. She likes to work, everything is in her hands. Kind, but not always successful in life. Internally stable, devout.
LUDMILA. People love (Slavs). Caring, condescending. A teacher, a zealot of morality. Knows how to correctly assess their capabilities and is slightly sly. A sensible, almost perfect hostess. Usually surrounded by friends. Devoted to her lover, jealous. The desire to please sometimes hurts her.
MARGARET. Pearl (Greek). Dreamy and tender. Honest and selfless. Compassionate. With an easy character for family and friends and difficult for yourself. Intellectual. They value their independence very much. Mysterious. They dare to abandon the subject of their passion.
MARINA. Marine (Latin). Often-a pet of fate. Impatient and impulsive. Can give the case a big scope. With imagination, a free woman does not know what she will do in a moment. Always under the coveted siege of fans. In the soul-cherishes the only one.
MARIA. Bitter, obstinacy, superiority (others-Heb). Helpers. Follow the truth. Fair. Are sincere and benevolent in their judgments. We are ready to stand up for those and others, for society. They can tolerate. Their fate confirms that life to live is not a field to cross.
MARFA. Mentor (Aramaic). They are very diverse in character and behavior. Capable of the most unexpected actions. They usually know how to anticipate and command. They can decently condemn their own mistake, and this helps them to carry them along. Focused on the family, affectionate to parents and children.
HOPE. Nadezhda (other-Russian). Hardworking. A variety of behavior. They are unmanageable and active in everything. Inventive from a natural looseness and some adventurousness. They can be tough and demanding. They do not accept effeminacy and cowardice. True to the word, reliable. Love selflessly.
NATALIA. Natural, native (Latin). Feminine and soft. Lyrical and shy. Fervent and condescending. Outwardly frivolous, in difficult situations unexpectedly independent. A dreamer to the point of losing her sense of reality. Loved and loves. A natural mother.
NINA. From NIN – the capital of Assyria (Georgia). Self-important, self-valued, and it helps out in circumstances that are confusing around it. It often puts itself into Overdrive. Sometimes-brings salvation, sometimes-completely rejects. In youth, almost always – in the upper corner of the “love triangle”, with age – the object of male worship.
OXANA. From Xenia, the wanderer (Ukr). With a strong character. Solid. Velichava, “Madonna”. Incendiary and eccentric. Fashionista. She likes to “walk by herself” – there is something of the evil spirit in her. Hospitable to the point of lawlessness. Passion can not extinguish – they say that this name goes either burning black, or fiery red.
OLGA. Light (Scandinavian). “Worthy is”, independent. Stubborn, always in trouble. The ruler in her environment is a “Princess”. Dangerous in anger, but her personal loyalty is worth high compliments. She has: suffering – from love, love-from suffering. However, strangely enough, in youth-different: easy, with a madness.
PAULINE. From Pavlik (Greek). Girlfriend. A crystal-clear woman in a dark cherry shawl. Field flower-the beauty of the province. And the Russian spirit holds in the capitals. Weak character adorns her femininity. All my life I’ve been busy. Her carefulness lasts for two generations. As a youth, sprightly bubonica, with age does not lose its maligawatte and therefore in his old age loves youth.
RAISA. Easy (Greek). Smooth communication with loved ones. Diligent, practical, scrupulous in their work. Everyday, without complexes. They don’t walk on a razor’s edge, but they can walk through it. Neutralize emerging conflicts. The family has good Housewives. In love-dispelling sadness.
RIMMA. From Rome (Latin). Rare woman. It includes “the virtues and vices of the East and West”. Unequal in the relationship. Her holiday-with a tear. If you are attached to someone, then you are passionate and tender.
RUFIN. Red (Greek). “Mercury”: pulsating, in the morning-one, in the evening-another. Abruptly starting, indefatigable and … always unsatisfied to the end. Lives at a pace, with a constant craving for what is not, in desires can cross the line. With men, she behaves like this: if I want to, no one can resist. At the same time, she is strict with herself and never believes that mistakes are the fault of anyone but me.
SVETLANA. Light (Slav). Happiness is in Svetlana herself: fate is inconsistent with her. Usually grows up beautiful. “Field Marshal in a skirt”. They are neat, but they are rarely arranged in life. They like old tart wine. They have a contrasting character. They are devoted to their husbands, but they may “stumble”.
SERAPHIC. Flaming (Hebr). Good-looking. Capable, impulsive, unrestrained. Very picky. They always insist on their own. They value their reputation. Financially independent, stand firmly on his feet, affordable. They know how to please.
SOFYA. Wisdom (Greek). With rich vitality. Knowing. Righteous. Sound. They are drawn to confession. By nature, judges who bring help and healing. They can hurt, but the person will be strengthened. Usually chosen and made happy by their husbands. Mother of Faith, Hope, and Love-traditions are transmitted through them.
TAISIA. From “Goddess of fertility” (al. – Egypt). A brilliant, seductive girl. Chatterbox-giggle. Patched with attention. Calms down with children. She feeds and clothes, scolds and caresses, she teaches life: she’s a mother – she’s always right. A brilliant, seductive woman.
TAMARA. From “date palm” (other-Heb). Two-headed, Tamara has an innate struggle between desires and opportunities. Proud, self-confident. Always up to date, social worker. She cares about everything, she always has money. In serious thoughts, they are restless; when alone, they are light in magical dreams. The image of the Queen of Lermontov always hovers over her.
TATYANA. Lady (Greek). Loyalty combined with a sense of self – esteem are traits of Tatiana’s character. Meeting them is always encouraging. Treachery and evil are not acceptable. Strict performer of her own, self-set, aspirations. Sometimes Tatiana is a Martyr from the circumstances of fate, but still in Moscow… “on the day of Tatiana, all students are drunk.”
JULIANA. From Julian (Latin). Fair, collected, adheres to strict rules. Cool mordyukovian femininity merged with this name: the horse will stop at a skip. They make jokes with gusto, imagery, and purpose: sharp and purifying. At the same time, she is shy and experiences troubles deep in herself. A hard worker, “the Vladimirskiy heavy truck”. She carries a yard, a large family, and her husband’s love. Worthy of admiration.
FAINA. Appearing, shining (Greek). Eddy, temperamental, demanding. Are beautiful. They combine the forces of charms, desires and passions: they themselves suffer from their “talented bitchiness”. In essence, they are tolerant and kind. Their hearts always beat unevenly. Sometimes sad. There are usually a lot of children in the family who are loved and pitied, but they are kept in an unusual strictness.
JULIA. From Iulia, wavy, fluffy (Greek). Moving, noticeable, going up the stairs. In some ways, she’s lost. A child of love, from childhood surrounded by worship and accepts it with dignity. A talented Bohemian, with a twist, tries to achieve universal recognition, but gives way to the older ones. Goat-razor with a delicate, sharp horns. Beckons, and… leaves.