For the past number of years, the world has seen a resurgence of “human” names rating as the most popular dog names. More people consider their pooches a member of the family and their choices reflect that. In certain circles, a puppy is like a child.
Check the guidelines set out in 7 Simple Naming Tips, and you’ll see that these names follow the basic rules:
- These puppy names are mostly one or two syllables
- None of these dog names sound like a command
- They’re all “people-friendly” names, meaning you can proudly call it across the dog park and not get funny looks
- Kids will love using these names for their new pet
Max comes out as top dog…again! According to Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI), the ten most popular dog names based on policy holder queries:
- Max
- Baily
- Buddy
- Molly
- Maggie
- Lucy
- Daisy
- Bella
- Jake
- Rocky
Take a peek and see how prior lists compared to more recent findings. For three years running, Max tops the list.
Boy Dog Names Girl Dog Names
- Max
- Buddy
- Jake
- Rocky
- Bailey
- Buster
- Cody
- Charlie
- Bear
- Jack
- Toby
- Duke
- Lucky
- Sam
- Harley
- Shadow
- Rusty
- Murphy
- Sammy
- Zeus
- Riley
- Oscar
- Winston
- Casey
- Tucker
- Teddy
- Gizmo
- Samson
- Oliver
- Bandit
- Molly
- Maggie
- Daisy
- Lucy
- Sadie
- Ginger
- Chloe
- Bailey
- Sophie
- Zoe
- Princess
- Bella
- Angel
- Lady
- Sasha
- Abby
- Roxy
- Missy
- Brandy
- Coco
- Annie
- Katie
- Samantha
- Casey
- Gracie
- Rosie
- Misty
- Emma
- Sandy
- Heidi
Most recently, here are the top 18 most frequently used dog names:
- Max
- Buddy
- Rocky
- Bailey
- Jake
- Charlie
- Jack
- Toby
- Cody
- Buster
- Duke
- Cooper
- Riley
- Harley
- Bear
- Tucker
- Murphy
- Lucky